Keyword Index


  • Affirmative Principal Legal and Juridical Study of the Predictable Principal in Cases of Doubt in the Legality of Condition (Which Has Originated from Doubt in Legislation or Quality of Legislation in Legal and Divine Law) [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 305-338]
  • Allegiance Reflections on incumbency of giving dowry to continual wife conducted exactly [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 881-906]


  • Bannedagainpunishment Jurisprudential basis for restoring the rule prohibiting re punishment in the Islamic Penal Code1392 [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 183-210]
  • Blocked roads A study on legal sentence of constructing shade in public passages [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 489-522]
  • Blocking passage A study on legal sentence of constructing shade in public passages [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 489-522]


  • Competition An Analysis of Dumping in Islamic Jurisprudence and Iranian legal System [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 443-488]
  • Condition Analysis of the necessity of cash price in forward sale transactions [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 31-50]
  • Confession The provisionality of confession repetition in Islamic criminal Jurisprudence (A criticism on article 172 of Islamic penal code) [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 625-648]
  • Contract Responsibility for Valid contracts in the Jurisprudential Thought [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 545-574]
  • Contract Necessities Criticism and Study of the Legitimacy Evidences of Moral Rights Endowment [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 763-798]
  • Convention Comparative study of quiddity of legal verdict [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 367-388]


  • Double punishment Jurisprudential basis for restoring the rule prohibiting re punishment in the Islamic Penal Code1392 [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 183-210]
  • Dumping An Analysis of Dumping in Islamic Jurisprudence and Iranian legal System [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 443-488]
  • Duty Comparative study of quiddity of legal verdict [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 367-388]


  • Embryo abortion "Influence of Genetic Abnormalities on the verdict of Embryo Abortion on the Imamiyya jurisprudence" [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 228-211]
  • Endowed Property Conditions Criticism and Study of the Legitimacy Evidences of Moral Rights Endowment [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 763-798]
  • Endowment Criticism and Study of the Legitimacy Evidences of Moral Rights Endowment [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 763-798]


  • Faith A fiqhi and statutary study on the necessity of maturity and faith of witness Authors [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 83-114]
  • Forward sale Analysis of the necessity of cash price in forward sale transactions [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 31-50]


  • HAD Studying in HAD and TAZIR crimes stand in the same confirmation relationships by analyzing SHAHID THANI statements in MASALEK [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 229-258]
  • Hadd The realm of government to punishthe guilty [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 51-82]
  • Hajj Credibility and implementation of the Muslim ruler's regulation, incongruent with Zilhajjah moon witness [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-30]
  • Huge dowry Jurisprudential feasibility of dowrydelimiting [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 339-366]


  • Imamiyyah Jurisprudence Responsibility for Valid contracts in the Jurisprudential Thought [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 545-574]
  • Imamiyya Jurisprudence "Influence of Genetic Abnormalities on the verdict of Embryo Abortion on the Imamiyya jurisprudence" [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 228-211]
  • Incongruity Credibility and implementation of the Muslim ruler's regulation, incongruent with Zilhajjah moon witness [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-30]
  • International Criminal Law Jurisprudential basis for restoring the rule prohibiting re punishment in the Islamic Penal Code1392 [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 183-210]
  • Islamic Denominations A porohibition of women’s visitation of shrines from the perspective of the jurists practicing in the area of Islamic denominations [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 849-880]
  • Islamic jurisprudence Jurisprudential feasibility of dowrydelimiting [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 339-366]
  • Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) An investigation and criticism of thereasons for Ijma(IslamicConsensus) on the prohibition of building statues [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 523-544]
  • Islamic political thinking The place of participation in Islamic political thought [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 575-600]


  • Legislation Comparative study of quiddity of legal verdict [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 367-388]


  • Marriage Study of the Term of Non-Disagreement of Husband with Eduaction of Wife in the Contract of Marriage [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 601-624]
  • Marriage Reflections on incumbency of giving dowry to continual wife conducted exactly [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 881-906]
  • MASALEK Studying in HAD and TAZIR crimes stand in the same confirmation relationships by analyzing SHAHID THANI statements in MASALEK [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 229-258]
  • Moral Rights Criticism and Study of the Legitimacy Evidences of Moral Rights Endowment [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 763-798]


  • Open roads A study on legal sentence of constructing shade in public passages [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 489-522]


  • Prevention Compare and evaluate the impact of religiosity on different types of crime among offenders committing normal (case study Sistan) [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 693-736]
  • Price Analysis of the necessity of cash price in forward sale transactions [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 31-50]
  • Principal of Non-oppose of the Condition with the Ketab and Sunnah Legal and Juridical Study of the Predictable Principal in Cases of Doubt in the Legality of Condition (Which Has Originated from Doubt in Legislation or Quality of Legislation in Legal and Divine Law) [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 305-338]
  • Principal of the Rule of Will Legal and Juridical Study of the Predictable Principal in Cases of Doubt in the Legality of Condition (Which Has Originated from Doubt in Legislation or Quality of Legislation in Legal and Divine Law) [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 305-338]
  • Principal of Void of the Condition Legal and Juridical Study of the Predictable Principal in Cases of Doubt in the Legality of Condition (Which Has Originated from Doubt in Legislation or Quality of Legislation in Legal and Divine Law) [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 305-338]
  • Prohibition and Unanimous decisions An investigation and criticism of thereasons for Ijma(IslamicConsensus) on the prohibition of building statues [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 523-544]
  • Proportionality Differences in self- defense and principle of retaliation [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 381-304]


  • Religion Compare and evaluate the impact of religiosity on different types of crime among offenders committing normal (case study Sistan) [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 693-736]
  • Repetition of Confession The provisionality of confession repetition in Islamic criminal Jurisprudence (A criticism on article 172 of Islamic penal code) [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 625-648]
  • Retrial Jurisprudential basis for restoring the rule prohibiting re punishment in the Islamic Penal Code1392 [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 183-210]
  • Ruler Credibility and implementation of the Muslim ruler's regulation, incongruent with Zilhajjah moon witness [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-30]
  • Ruling Credibility and implementation of the Muslim ruler's regulation, incongruent with Zilhajjah moon witness [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-30]


  • Sale Analysis of the necessity of cash price in forward sale transactions [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 31-50]
  • Section 10 of the Civil Law Legal and Juridical Study of the Predictable Principal in Cases of Doubt in the Legality of Condition (Which Has Originated from Doubt in Legislation or Quality of Legislation in Legal and Divine Law) [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 305-338]
  • Shade A study on legal sentence of constructing shade in public passages [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 489-522]
  • SHAHID THANI Studying in HAD and TAZIR crimes stand in the same confirmation relationships by analyzing SHAHID THANI statements in MASALEK [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 229-258]
  • Shrines’ Pilgrimage A porohibition of women’s visitation of shrines from the perspective of the jurists practicing in the area of Islamic denominations [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 849-880]
  • Statues An investigation and criticism of thereasons for Ijma(IslamicConsensus) on the prohibition of building statues [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 523-544]


  • Taqiyyah Credibility and implementation of the Muslim ruler's regulation, incongruent with Zilhajjah moon witness [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-30]
  • Ta’zir The realm of government to punishthe guilty [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 51-82]
  • TAZIR Studying in HAD and TAZIR crimes stand in the same confirmation relationships by analyzing SHAHID THANI statements in MASALEK [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 229-258]
  • Tazir (Punishment having maximum and minimum limits determined by law and judge Comparing Enforceability Of Punishment In Iran Religious Jurisprudence, Penal Law And France Law [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 145-182]
  • The Principal of Accuracy Legal and Juridical Study of the Predictable Principal in Cases of Doubt in the Legality of Condition (Which Has Originated from Doubt in Legislation or Quality of Legislation in Legal and Divine Law) [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 305-338]
  • The principle of confession The provisionality of confession repetition in Islamic criminal Jurisprudence (A criticism on article 172 of Islamic penal code) [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 625-648]
  • Thieves Legal review clause C of Article 268 of theEslamicPenal Code [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 737-762]
  • Transaction of debt with debt Analysis of the necessity of cash price in forward sale transactions [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 31-50]


  • Validity ofsealingmatter Jurisprudential basis for restoring the rule prohibiting re punishment in the Islamic Penal Code1392 [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 183-210]
  • Verdict Comparative study of quiddity of legal verdict [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 367-388]


  • Wahhabi A porohibition of women’s visitation of shrines from the perspective of the jurists practicing in the area of Islamic denominations [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 849-880]
  • Witness A fiqhi and statutary study on the necessity of maturity and faith of witness Authors [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 83-114]
  • Witnesses A fiqhi and statutary study on the necessity of maturity and faith of witness Authors [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 83-114]