About Journal

Islamic jurisprudence is a science that aims to infer and extract Islamic rules incumbent upon the religiously competent people from certain sources (the Qur’ān, sunna, consensus, and intellect). That is to say, it determines the practical plan of the human’s life in four domains, namely his relationship with God, himself, other people, and his surrounding environment.

The concept of “religiously competent people” in this definition is not merely limited to natural persons; rather, it addresses juridical persons such as the society and the government, too. Therefore, the scope of the jurisprudence science is very vast, in a way that it involves all branches of law (such as private law, public law, criminal law, and international law) as well as some other fields of humanities such as economics and politics. As Imam Khomeini states, “Jurisprudence is the real and complete theory of managing the human from his birth to death” (Sahifa Imam, vol. 21, p. 289).

Among Islamic denominations, the Ahl al-Bayt (a) jurisprudence is the only one that enjoys 250 years of the sunna of the Infallible Imams (a). This obviously boosts the ability of the Twelver Shī‘a denomination to answer the human’s personal and social needs, as it has been shown in practice.

In order to explain the capabilities of the Islamic jurisprudence in general and the ability of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) jurisprudence in particular, the Islamic Jurisprudence Research Quarterly is to publish the research papers of the professors and theoreticians of this arena and set the grounds for scientific discussions, innovations, and theorizations in this regard.

Undoubtedly, the use of the two eternal sources (i.e., the Qur’ān and the sunna) and the achievements of sound judgment is an advantage that does not exist in any other school of thought. This quality has been the reason for the constant freshness of Islamic jurisprudence, as proved by 14 centuries of experience.

This journal is focused on research papers, and is published in order to improve the knowledge level of researchers, facilitate scientific exchange among them, and introduce the major advancements in the various subfields of jurisprudence and law. This journal only publishes research papers.