Compare and evaluate the impact of religiosity on different types of crime among offenders committing normal (case study Sistan)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of law, university of zabol

2 AssociateProfessor of univercity of Qom


This study aimed to investigate the effect of religiosity on the type of crime (against persons, property, safety and general welfare) conducted a social survey research methods and sample size consisted of two groups of offenders (240 prisoners) and those who commit crimes (421 persons) which has been randomly selected for data collection questionnaire and interviews with case study was used and data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analysis.
Findings confirm significant inverse relationship between religiosity and delinquency and explain the propensity to commit crimes decreases with increasing religiosity maximum impact will vary depending on the crimes. Within the normal range ceremonial aspect of religion and belief is most correlated with the dependent variable, reducing criminal behavior.
The results indicate that two variables among offender’s ritual and belief the greatest effect on crimes against property and public welfare. The experimental outcome and other variables religiosity indirect effect on crime. But the crimes against persons and crimes committed there was no inter-religious and non-religious and non-religious are almost identical to commit this crime. In general, the degree of religious influence crime is variable depending on the extent of crimes and crimes against property and public welfare and thus more effective in crimes against persons, or degree of influence on the dependent variable unaffected pales


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