Analysis of Validity Based on the Content of the Proofs of Al-Barā’a Al-Shar‘īyya

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Jurisprudence and Law, theology, jurisprudence and fundamentals of law, science and research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Quranic & Hadith Studies, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

3 Department of Logic of Comprehending Religion, Research Institute of Culture and Islamic Thought, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Shahid Motahari University, Tehran, Iran



This article discusses various theories about the content of authoritative evidence of "the presumption of relegious Innocence" (al-Barā’a al-Shar‘īyya). In the last two centuries, theorizing about the contents of the "Authorized Conjectural evidence (al-Amarat al-Sharʿiyyah)" and "Practical Principles (al-usul al-'amaliyya)" has gained special importance in studies and research on the Principles Of Jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh).
Despite this, the share of practical principles -with the exception of Asala al-Istishab (Principle of Continuity)- has been insignificant in these discussions. This article attempts to fill this gap regarding the "the presumption of religious innocence. "
For this purpose, through efforts to carefully examine the evidence of "presumption of religious innocence ," "the sayings of scholars of usul al-fiqh ," and with an innovative methodology, eight theories were extracted and formulated.These eight theories have been explained and analyzed in three categories: "Raf~ basis," "Legislate and establish the Mandatory Rule (al-hukm al-Taklifi)," and "recommendate (al-Emza)," and approval (al-Ershad)."
Finally, the theory of "Removing the necessity of precaution" was recognized as the least defective theory, with amendments and additions, and under the new title "Not legislating precaution."Of course, Some advantages and capacities of other theories were also used in explaining the details of the chosen theory.


Main Subjects

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