Examining the Jurisprudential Foundations of the Influence of Muslim's Will on Donating Organs

Document Type : Research Paper


Seminary level professor, seminary, Qom, Iran



The matter of the will to donate the organs of a deceased Muslim is of emerging issues. However, in influence and its lack of influence among jurists there is no consensus. The differences, in turn, are due to the variations in reasons for implementation. These reasons include the truth or falsehood of the desecration of the deceased, the mutilation of the deceased, Members’ ownership and monarchy of man over the deceased, the prohibition of profit from components, delays in burying the deceased, and the requirement to fulfill obligations. Regarding that a view to the conclusion of different perspectives and critical attention to their fundamentals  are particularly important to find the correct view, this article tries to re-examine the views and arguments presented. According to the warrant, issues must be deduced from Scripture and tradition. The final research approach is the influence of the mentioned will of the deceased based on the primary rulings, evidenced by reasons such as the established perception of the goodness of the influence of the above-mentioned will in the eyes of the wise, the transformation in the function of the deceased members, public arguments of will influence, and the absence of conflict.


Main Subjects

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