A Jurisprudential-Legal Reflection on the Nature of the "Vote of Representatives of the Islamic Council" and Its Requirements in the Practice of Representation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Jurisprudence and Principles Faculty of La, Allameh Tabatabai University, Qom, Iran

2 Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Qom Branch Azad University, Qom, Iran

3 Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Farabi School of Tehran University, Qom, Iran


Decision-making regarding the possibility of forcing the members of parliament to participate in voting, as well as "the possibility of monitoring the vote or avoiding monitoring" and "the extent of the representative's authority in determining the type of vote" and "the representative's ownership of the vote and identification of the effects of ownership on it" and establishing a law or code of conduct in the field of transparency of the representatives' votes are some of the images and effects on the "nature of the vote of the representatives of the Islamic Council". Therefore, the importance and necessity of the question of this article may be the focal point of the issue of "the nature of the vote" compared to the previously mentioned peripheral issues. The article uses a descriptive-analytical method. It aims at examining the nature of the vote from a jurisprudential-legal point of view and identifying the consequences and conditions arising from the nature of the vote. One of the methodological results of this article is that in order to find the ruling and the nature of the judgment, it is not necessary to analyze them in certain jurisprudential formats which is more concerned with the relationships among individuals (individual jurisprudence). It seems that by maintaining the jurisprudential approach and considering the principle of non-being divine of essences and named objects as well as the signing of trends and ways of advancing affairs in political jurisprudence, it is possible to analyze the nature of the vote from a jurisprudential perspective with a governance approach. Another point is that the vote on the validity of the dividers and the subject of the vote (and not necessarily on the relationship between the representative and the people or the qualified Fagih) can have a common and mixed nature such as the nature of the vote being like a testimony when submitting it to a person or withdrawing it during impeachment, as well as the nature of the mandate or its specific nature to public law.


Main Subjects

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