The Quality of Obtaining the Right of Cancellation in the Presence of Multiple Heirs

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Private Law, Faculty of Quranic Sciences and Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


If the right of cancellation, as a right that can be transferred through inheritance, belongs to several heirs and there is a disagreement between them regarding the use of this right, we will face this problem: how will the multiple heirs claim their rights? This problem has generally faced four main views in the course of its evolution. It has been assumed by some of the jurists as an independent all-inclusive right for those entitled to the right. A group of jurists have drawn the right so that every one of the heirs can be the owner of his own share and can use it based on his/her share. Another group has considered a fixed share for all entitled to the right, while others have considered a fixed share for the mere existence of the heir. This article, while criticizing the proposed theories and stating the problems and criticisms of them, emphasizes the theory of separation between the general title of the right of cancellation and its example.


Main Subjects

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