Permissibility of Conditional Pardon in Premeditated Murder in the Viewpoint of Imamiyyah Jurisprudence

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Fiqh and Criminal Law, Higher Institute of Jurisprudence and Islamic Sciences, Islamic Seminary (Hawza) of Qom, Qom, Iran


One of the important issues regarding retribution, which is less discussed in the words of jurists and needs analysis, is the examination and consequently the validity of permissibility or impermissibility of conditional pardon. Accepting conditional pardon in retribution means that if the heirs' consent to refrain from retribution is conditioned by the amputation of a body part of the murderer, this is considered valid according to Islamic law. This study aimed at achieving a valid evidence for accepting conditional pardon. Based on the examination of evidence, it has been concluded that conditional pardon, which in contemporary society may prevent the implementation of many cases of retribution, is permissible. However, it should be done in such a way that the murderer or a third party is tasked with amputating a body part, and then the heirs pardon the murderer. The heirs themselves cannot be responsible for carrying out this act. Since the focus of the present study has been on Quranic and narrative evidence, and the issue has been discussed through this approach, the verbal problem-solving method has been used.


Main Subjects

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