Islamic criminal policy strategies in crimes against bodily integrity in the light of the principle of protection of blood

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Research Institute of Islamic Systems, Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought, Tehran, Iran


Islamic criminal policy in crimes against bodily integrity is based on principles such as the principle of security, the principle of dignity, the principle of personal punishment, etc., which forms its main structure, and the strategies of Islamic criminal policy in this type of crime are three levels of prevention. Social, situational prevention and criminal prevention have been developed within the framework of these principles. One of these principles is the principle of preserving blood, and this article aims to explain the strategies derived from this principle and their logical placement in in the criminal policy of Islam crimes against bodily integrity. By collecting data from religious documents including Quran verses and narrations, jurisprudence texts and interpretations of the Holy Quran, this article analyzed the data and proved the principle of blood conservation and the strategies resulting from it. The findings of this research show that the criminal policy of Islam in its level of criminal prevention in the light of the principle of preservation of blood, has predicted two important strategies "evidence of maximum proof" and "precaution in blood" in the stage of criminal proceedings. These two strategies look at each other to create a kind of balance in the fight against crimes against physical integrity.


Main Subjects

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