Jurisprudential Feasibility of Applying the Title of Backbiting in the Release of the Picture of the Accused in the National Media

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. Student, Department of jurisprudence and fundamentals of law, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Allameh Tabataba'i University. Tehran. Iran

2 Department of jurisprudence and fundamentals of law, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Allameh Tabataba'i University. Tehran. Iran


Releasing the picture of the accused during the preliminary investigation stage of the crime, according to articles 91 and 96 of the Criminal Procedure Code approved in 2012, is subject to criminal liability, in some cases it can also conform to the jurisprudentially unlawful titles. On the other hand, to fulfill the function of informing, the media needs to take pictures of the accused in the preliminary investigation stage of the crime and since it is legally and judicially forbidden to release the pictures, they pixelate and then release the picture of the accused. Therefore, this research investigated in the first step, the effect of blurring the face of the accused in recognizing their identity in the news reports of the 18.30 national media in the period of 1400-1401. In the next step, using the documentary-library method, the feasibility of application of the title of backbiting in the release of these pictures was investigated. The results of the statistical analysis showed that blurring the picture of the accused has no effect on not identifying their identity in the news reports. As a result, the release of these pictures results to revealing the attributive deficiencies of the accused to be revealed. If it is so, then it will be an instance of backbiting, if not, the sentence of accusation will follow.


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