Affirmative and Proving Solutions to Solve the Problem of Conflict of Narrations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Islamic Education and Theology, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran

2 Department of Islamic Education and Theology, Faculty of Theology, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Conflict is one of the oldest fundamental (Usul) debates. The concern of solving this hadith problem, which has a direct effect on the inference of religious rules, is reflected in many traditions. Throughout history, the fundamentalists have explained the issues of conflict in detail and presented several criteria and classifications. The current research, using a descriptive-analytical method based on library and documentary information and using fundamental (Usul) sources and rules, tries to take a new step in the review of this debate by presenting a new division of affirmative and proving solutions. The solutions to prove the rules are in the stage of argumentation and proof, and the solutions to affirm the rules do not take the reason into consideration. Affirmative solutions can be divided into two areas: legislation of the rule and exercising the rule. Applying the affirmative method of legislation, and neglecting or planning it is effective in the perfection or deficiency of the legislative area. The precise explanation of the index of perfection or deficiency of legislation can have a significant effect on providing affirmative method of legislation which is considered in this article. Applying or neglecting the affirmative method of compliance is effective in the quality and quantity of compliance of the rule, application of which is documented based on the quantitative and qualitative criteria of compliance. Examining these issues and generalizing them to governmental jurisprudence and generally additional jurisprudence mentioned in this article can increase the capacity of the principles of jurisprudence in dealing with today issues.


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