The Jurisprudential Effect of «´Alal-Mu’mini» Provision in the Content of No-Harm Narration

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Theology & Political Sciences, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran


The provision «´Alal-Mu’mini» has been used only in one of quotes of the no-harm narration. So far, no comprehensive and independent analysis has been conducted on the existence and absence of the «´Alal-Mu’mini» provision in this narration and its effect on inferring its jurisprudential issues. The present article intends to do this and the main question arises here as to what is the jurisprudential effect of the existence or absence of the «´Alal-Mu’mini» provision in the content of the no-harm narration? The answer of this main question and its related sub-questions requires examining the existence or absence of the «´Alal-Mu’mini» provision in this narration in order to determine the jurisprudential effect of the existence or absence of the «´Alal-Mu’mini» provision in relation to inferring its jurisprudential issues. The present study has examined the issue through analytical-documentary method and it has come to the conclusion that the existence and absence of the «´Alal-Mu’mini» provision in the content of this narration - contrary to prevailing perception - has no effect on the inference of its jurisprudential issues.


Main Subjects

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