The Example and Concept of "Apostasy" in the Quran in the Opinion of Shi'a and Sunni Commentators

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Quran & Hadith, Faculty of Humanities, University of Shahed, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D Student of Teaching of Islamic Education, Tehran Branch, University of Quran & Hadith, Tehran, Iran


Islamic scholars have always disagreed with each other on explaining the conceptual scope of “apostasy” (irtidād) and determining its examples. A glance at the Shi'ite and Sunni exegetical sources shows that the commentators rely on the three bases of “Qur’anic verses”, “narratives” and sometimes “the historical background of apostasy” for explaining their opinions regarding the rulings related to apostasy and the apostate person. Results of this article prove that the conceptual scope of the term “apostasy” in the Holy Quran is more general than its jurisprudential meaning and application. The context and the combination of phrases related to this issue, relying on “conditional restrictions”, has a ruling aspect; Therefore, some exegetes, citing the “applications of reasons of repentance” believe that the repentance of the apostate is totally permissible; regardless of whether the apostasy is natural or national, or whether the apostate is a man or a woman, or whether the “heresy” has occurred with an intention and blasphemous speech, or with an act that requires disbelief. “Apostasy” in the Holy Quran, hadiths and the practice of Imams (AS) does not simply mean returning from religion and changing one’s view, but the apostate is someone who, after consciously accepting the religion, based on stubbornness and enmity with the intention of attacking the religion, denies the “truth” and not accept the divinity of God or the mission of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH). The main origin of the difference in issuing the verdict of “apostasy” is the two factors of “fundamental difference” and “method of inferring from the verses”.


Main Subjects

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