The Proliferation of Autonomous Offensive Weapons in Islamic International Humanitarian Law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of International Law, Faculty of Judicial Law, University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Islamic Law, Faculty of Judicial Law, University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services, Tehran, Iran


The increasing progress of states in the military field and their desire to produce and proliferate new war tools and methods have brought new issues and many challenges to the legal systems. One of these issues and challenges is the proliferation of Autonomous Offensive Weapons. Islam and the legal system derived from it, as one of the legal systems, is the flagship of teachings based on global peace and security. The mission and ideal of the Last Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH) for humanity is the realization of world peace. Considering the comprehensiveness of the Islamic religion, it is not unreasonable and excessive to expect to express and determine the task in the newly created issues. Islamic jurists, referring to jurisprudential sources and jurisprudential principles and rules, derive rulings on new issues. According to the findings of the research, among the four evidences of Islamic jurisprudence, the Holy Quran, traditions and reason, are three sources that declare that the proliferation of autonomous Offensive weapons is prohibited and unlawful. Due to the absence of an explicit text from Islamic jurists, the claim of a consensus reached or conveyed by a single news is not effective in the discussion of the proliferation of autonomous offensive weapons. This article, using a descriptive-analytical approach, intends to investigate the proliferation of autonomous offensive weapons systems through the Islamic legal system in the Islamic international humanitarian law.


Main Subjects

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