Scientific Mobility as a Reflection of Structural Sematic Study

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Compilation of Knowledge Organizations, Islamic Information and Documents Management Research Institute, Islamic Science and Culture Research Institute


In order for the jurisprudence to be more effective and efficient, it needs factors like thematic study. Although this matter has been the concern of the jurists and has been studied somehow in the past, the scientific mobility of jurisprudence is dependent on the thematic study based on a systematic structure in order to have a good control of the wide range of this knowledge. It also needs reconstruction in order to accept the previous jurisprudential statements and the recent jurisprudential needs and to direct the research and teaching through changing new devices. The main question is what is the solution for thematic study of jurisprudence with regard to the predicted expectations? This study, using a descriptive-analytical method, proposes a strategy for thematic structural study of jurisprudence based on the identification of the system of terminology in order to answer the same question.


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