Jurisprudential Research on the Infamous Views of Sheikh Sadouq on Issues Related to the Dissolution of Marriage

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Ahl-e-Bayt, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Ph.D Student of Private Law, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Ph.D of Jurisprudence and Islamic Law, University Professor, Judge of Isfahan Court, Isfahan, Iran


Looking at the book of Al-Faqih by Sheikh Sadouq, one of the jurists connected to the time of the absence of Imam of the Age (may God hasten his reappearance), it can be said that he has opposing views on issues related to the dissolution of marriage like other chapters of jurisprudence. In five cases, they are: 1- Not counting the permissible divorce in three divorces that cause the separation of the woman. 2- Proximity between divorce and childbirth that is the waiting period of divorce of a pregnant woman. 3- Testing male impotence by claiming it by a woman in three ways: putting the man in cold water, feeding the man with fresh fish, and putting saffron perfume in the woman's uterus. 4- Causing permanent separation if the woman curses her dead husband (conjugal anathema). 5- Restriction causing conjugal anathema (Li'an) in rejecting the child. However, these opinions have a strong narrative support, so apart from the existing jurisprudential consensus and famous opinions, one can judge and choose between their jurisprudential theories. Perhaps this can be a factor to change the topics of the second chapter of the seventh book of the Civil Code (pertaining to dissolution of marriage), which mostly follow the famous opinions of the jurists to express the rules. This article uses an analytical-critical method of research and library and documentary data collection procedure. 


Main Subjects

  1. ـ قرآن کریم

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