Jurisprudential and Legal Study of Adjusting the Domination and Expectations of the Husband from the Employed Wife on the Issue of Obedience and Leaving the House

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr Branch, Department of Law and Theology, Ghaemshahr, Iran


The holy law of Islam (shari'a) and consequently Article 1105 of the Iranian Civil Code has charged the husband with the duty of leading the family. According to the provisions 1108 of the same law, the wife is obliged to obey the husband. On the other hand by changing the patterns of human life in the contemporary world and the women’s inclinations toward social businesses and duties, obedience to the husband is not possible for them at any time. The findings of the study indicate that leaving the house without the wife's permission is contrary to the obedience of the husband and the jurists have been always disagree with this matter. The researcher, using descriptive and analytical method, emphasizes this idea. Although obedience in marital life is one of the basic and desirable effects of marriage, it is not inherent in the marriage contract, but it is requirement of the marriage contract and it is considered as an example of husband's rights to his wife. Therefore, working women who are forced to leave home can agree on the issue of the time of obedience with their husband before marriage according to their wishes in order to prevent any possible disputes after marriage contract. 


Main Subjects

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