A Comparative-Analytical Study of Change of Venue (Ihalah) in Positive Law and Islamic Law

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Law, Institution of Islamic Sciences, Research Institute of Hawzah and University, Qom, Iran


In some cases of international private law, the judge should hear them based on foreign legal system, but sometimes the system does not consider its law to be competent to government in the subject of that dispute, and refers to another law, which it raises the issue of change of venue. The books and papers discussing the change of venue have answered the above-mentioned question often by describing legal materials related to the change of venue and perhaps by quoting and criticizing the different views on accepting or rejecting the change of venue in the area of positive law. However, there is also the question of whether the issue of the change of venue is raised in Islamic jurisprudence and law. Assuming that is the case, whether it has been accepted or rejected absolutely or relatively. The literature review shows that no Persian and Arabic books and papers have answered this question yet. Therefore, it becomes clear that dealing with this subject is important and necessary. This article analyzed logically the change of venue (the quality and origin of the jurisdiction of foreign law) in customary law, and compared it with Islamic jurisprudence and law in order to respond to that question. Finally, the article concluded that in Islamic jurisprudence and law, if the implementation of foreign (non-Islamic) law is not relevant, the change of venue is acceptable, and if it is relevant, it is not acceptable.


Main Subjects

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