The Position of the Intention of Closeness to Allah in Religious Endowment (Waqf) in the View of Islamic Jurisprudence and Iranian Law

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of jurisprudence, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran


Regarding the religious endowment, a discussion is raised among the jurists and researchers about the position of the intention of closeness to Allah in religious endowment and therefore the result of its essence. The Civil Code, which examines the rulings on religious endowment, has not stated the necessity of stipulating the intention of proximity in religious endowment. There are three views among jurists in jurisprudence; some consider the intention of proximity in religious endowment as a condition of correctness, and some deny the condition of the intention of proximity. The third group also elaborate between general and specific religious endowment. They consider intention as a condition for general endowment but not specific endowment. The present study, using the analytical-descriptive method and relying on the library method as well as the originality of the absolute, the validity of the infidel’s religious endowment, the lack of reason for the necessity of the intention of proximity, it has been concluded that the intention of proximity is not a condition for religious endowment. The silence of Civil Law can also be attributed to the acceptance of this theory.


Main Subjects

  1. ـ قرآن کریم.

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    • Bahjat,Mohammad Taqi (1426). Jame 'al-Masa'il,Second Edition,Qom: Daftar Mu'azzamullah.(in Arabic)
    • Bahrani,Yusuf. (1405). Al-Hadaiq Al-Nadhirah in the rules of pure Atrah,First Edition,Qom: Islamic Publications Office affiliated with the Society of Teachers of the Seminary of Qom.(in Arabic)
    • Basri Bahrani,Mohammad Amin. (1413). The word of piety. Third Edition. Qom: Sayyid Javad farewell.(in Arabic)
    • Daylami,Salar (1404). Al-Awsam Al-Alawiyawa Al-Ahkam Al-Nabawiyyah,First Edition,Qom: Manshuraat Al-Harmain.(in Arabic)
    • Desouki,Muhammad Ibn Ahmad. (Dateless). Al-Desouki's margin on Al-Sharh Al-Kabir. Beirut: Dar al-Fikr.(In Arabic)
    • Factors, SJ. (1419). The key to honor in explaining the rules of science,First Edition, Qom: Islamic Publications Office affiliated with the Qom Seminary Teachers Association.(in Arabic)
    • Fadhil Lankarani,Muhammad (1424). Tafsil al-Shari'ah; Waqf. Will,Faith and vows, Atonement,hunting,First Edition,Qom: The jurisprudential center of the pure Imams (peace be upon them).(in Arabic)
    • Faqani,Ali Ibn Ali (1418). Al-Dar Al-Manzud in the knowledge of the form of intentions,intentions and contracts. First Edition,Qom: Imam al-Asr (AS) Scientific Library. (in Arabic)
    • Fayyaz,Mohammad Ishaq (Dateless). Minhaj Al-Saleheen,No place: No publisher.(in Arabic)
    • ------------------------------- (1426). Treatise on Clarification of Matters,First Edition,Qom: Majlisi Publications.(in Arabic)
    • FazelAbi,Hassan (1417). Discover the mysteries in the brief description of the benefits,Third Edition,Qom: Islamic Publications Office affiliated with the Qom Seminary Teachers Association.(in Arabic)
    • Fazel Lankarani,Muhammad (1422). The clear rules. Fourth Edition,Qom: The jurisprudential center of the pure Imams (peace be upon them).(in Arabic)
    • Golpayegani,Sayyid Muhammad Reza (1413). Hedayat al-Ibad,First Edition,Qom: Dar al-Quran al-Karim.(in Arabic)
    • Gray,Muhammad bin Hassan (1387) .Prolonged in Imami jurisprudence,Third Edition,Tehran: Al-Muktabiyyah School for the Revival of Al-Jaafariyah Works. (in Arabic)
    • ------------------------------- (1400). The end in the abstract of jurisprudence and fatwas,Second Edition,Beirut: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi.(in Arabic)
    • Hakim,Sayyid Mohsen (1410). Minhaj Al-Saleheen,First Edition,Beirut: Dar al-Ta'rif for publications.(in Arabic)
    • Hakim,Sayyid Muhammad Saeed (1415). Minhaj Al-Saleheen. First Edition,Beirut: Dar Al-Safwa.(in Arabic)
    • Hali,Yahya bin Saeed (1405). Al-Jame 'for Sharia,First Edition,Qom: Sayyid Al-Shuhada Al-Alamiya Foundation.(in Arabic)
    • Halli,Hassan Ibn Ali (1411). The Essence in the Order of Insight,First Edition,Tehran: Publishing Institute affiliated with the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.(in Arabic)
    • Halli,The first researcher,Ja'faribn Hassan (1408). Shari of Islam in the issues of halal and haram,Second Edition,Qom: Ismaili Institute.(in Arabic)
    • Halli,The first researcher;Ja'faribn, Hassan (1412). The final point,Second Edition,Qom: Islamic Publications Office affiliated with the Society of Teachers of the Seminary of Qom.(in Arabic)
    • Halli,The first researcher;Ja'faribn, Hassan (1418). Al-Mukhtasar Al-Nafi 'in Imami jurisprudence,Sixth Edition,Qom: Religious Press Foundation.(In Arabic)
    • Ibn Zahra,Hamza (1417). Rich in the penchant for knowledge of origins and branches,First Edition. Qom: Founder of Imam Sadiq. peace be upon him. (in Arabic)
    • Ibn Abdin,Muhammad Amin (1412). Response of the Confused to Al-Durr Al-Mukhtar,Dom,Beirut: Dar Al-Fikr. (in Arabic)
    • Ibnbarraj,Qazi (1406). Al-mohazab,Second Edition,Qom: No publisher.(in Arabic)
    • Ibn Edris,Mohammad (1407). Al- Saraer al- Havi le Tahrir al- Fatava,Second Edition, Qom: No publisher. (in Arabic)
    • Ibn Hajib,Othman bin Omar (1421). Mosque of the Mothers,No place: Al-Yamamah for printing. publishing and distribution. (in Arabic)
    • Ibn Najim,Zain Al-Din (Dateless). The Beautiful Sea. Explaining the Treasure of Minutes,No place: Dar Al Kitaab Al Islami. (in Arabic)
    • Ibn Qudamah,Abdullah. (1388). Al-Mughni,Cairo,Egypt: Cairo Library. (in Arabic)
    • Ibn Shas,Abu Muhammad (1423). Holding precious jewels in the doctrine of the world of Medina,First Edition,Beirut: Dar Al-Gharbislamic. (In Arabic)
    • Ibn Teimieh,abdasslam (1404). The Editor in jurisprudence on the doctrine of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal,Second Edition,Riyadh: The Knowledge Office. (in Arabic)
    • Imrani,Abolhossein (1421). The statement in the religion of Imam al-Shafi'i,First Edition,Jeddah: Dar al-Minhaj.(in Arabic)
    • Iraka,Muhammad Ali (1414). Clear Issues,First Edition,Qom: The spread of an Islamic message book that has knowledge of Qom. (in Arabic)
    • Irvani,Ali (1406). Margin of Makaseb,First Edition,Tehran: Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.(In Arabic)
    • Isfahani,Muhammad Husayn (1418). The Note to the Book of Benefits,First Edition,Qom: Anwar al-Hada. (in Arabic)
    • Isfahani,Sayed Abu al-Hasan (1422). A means of salvation with the footnotes of Imam Khomeini, FirstEdition,Qom: his institution,The organization and publication of antiquities of Imam Khomeini,May God rest his soul. (in Arabic)
    • Kashif al-Ghatta,Hassan ibnJa'far (1422). The lights of jurisprudence; Book of Endowments, Najaf: Kashif Al-Ghatta Institute.(in Arabic)
    • Khalil Ibn Ishaq (1426). Mukhtasar Al-Khalil,First Edition,Cairo: Dar al-Hadith.(in Arabic)
    • Khansari,Sayyid Ahmad (1405). Comprehensive Evidence in a Brief Explanation of Benefits,Second Edition. Qom: Ismaili Institute.(In Arabic)
    • Khoei,Sayyid Abu al-Qasim (1410). Minhaj al-Saleheen,Twenty-eighth Edition,Qom: Madinah al-Alam Publishing.(in Arabic)
    • Khomeini,Sayyid Ruhollah (Dateless). Tahrir al-Wasila,First Edition,Qom: Dar al-Alam Press Institute.(in Arabic)
    • Kidari,Qutbuddin (1416). Shiite morning with Sharia light,First Edition,Qom: Imam Sadiq (as) Institute.(in Arabic)
    • Kirki,Mohaqeq Thani (1414). Comprehensive intentions in explaining the rules,Second Edition,Qom: Al-Bayt Institute.(in Arabic)
    • Klini,Muhammad Ibn Ya'qub (1407). Al-Kafi,Fourth Edition,Tehran: Islamic Books House.(in Arabic)
    • Marashi Najafi,Sayyid Shahab al-Din (1406).Minhaj al-Mu'minin, Second edition,Qom: Ayatollah Marashi Najafi Library.(in Arabic)
    • Mardavi,Aladdin (Dateless). Justice in recognizing the preferences of the dissenters,Second Edition,No place: Dar Al-Ahya Al-Tarath Al-Arabi.(in Arabic)
    • Mirza Qomi,Abu al-Qasim (1413).Comprehensive questions in the answer to questions,Tehran: Kayhan Institute.(In Arabic)
    • Momen Qomi,Ali (1421).Comprehensive Al-Khalaf and Al-Wefaq,First Edition,Qom: The founders of the emergence of Imam Asr (as).(in Arabic)
    • Mufid,Muhammad ibn Nu'man (1413).Al-Muqna,Second edition,Qom: Sheikh Mufid Millennium World Congress.(in Arabic)
    • Mughniyeh,Mohammad Jawad (1421).Fiqh of Imam Sadiq (as). second edition,Qom: Ansarian Institute.(in Arabic)
    • Mughniyeh,Mohammad Jawad (1421). Jurisprudence on the five religions, second edition,Beirut: Dar Al-Tayyar Al-Jadid - Dar Al-Jawad. (in Arabic)
    • Mujahid Tabatabai,Sayyid Muhammad (Dateless).Kitab al-Manahil,First Edition,Qom: Al-Bayt Institute,Peace be upon them.(In Arabic)
    • Mustafawi,Sayyid Muhammad Kazim (1423).Fiqh of transactions,First Edition,Qom: Islamic Publications Office affiliated with the Qom Seminary Teachers Association.
    • Naini,Mirza Muhammad Hussein (1373).Minya al-Talib in the margins of achievements,First Edition,Tehran: Al-Mohammadiyah School.
    • Najafi,Mohammad Hassan (1404).The jewel of theology in the explanation of Islamic law,Seventh edition,Beirut: Dar Al-Ahya Al-Tarath Al-Arabi.
    • Novi,Abu Zakaria (1412).The shrine of the students and the intention of the muftis,Third edition,Beirut: Islamic School.
    • Qarafi,Abu al-Abbas (1994). Al-Zakhira,First Edition,Beirut: Dar Al-Gharb Al-Islami.(in Arabic)
    • Raini,Al-Huttab (1412). Mawaheb Al-Jalil in SharhMukhtasar Khalil,Third Edition,Beirut: Dar al-Fikr.(In Arabic)
    • Ramli,Shams al-Din (1404). The End of the Necessary to Explain the Curriculum,Beirut: Dar al-Fikr.(in Arabic)
    • Rouhani,Sayyid Sadegh (1412). Fiqh al-Sadiq (peace be upon him),Qom: Dar al-Kitab: School of Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him).(in Arabic)
    • -------------------------------- (Dateless). Minhaj Al-Saleheen,No place: No publisher.(in Arabic)
    • Sabzevari,Mohammad Baqir (1423). Kifayat al-Ahkam,first edition,Qom: Islamic Publications Office affiliated with the Society of Teachers of the Seminary of Qom.(in Arabic)
    • Sabzwari,SayyidAbd al-'Ali (1413). The polite rules. Fourth Edition,Qom: Al-Manar Foundation.(in Arabic)
    • ---------------------------------- (Dateless). Comprehensive Sharia Laws,Ninth Edition,Qom: Al-Manar Foundation.(in Arabic)
    • Safi Golpayegani,Lutfullah (1416). Hedayat al-Ibad,First Edition,Qom: Dar al-Quran al-Karim.(In Arabic)
    • Sarakhsi,Muhammad Ibn Ahmad (1414). Al-Mabsut,Beirut: Dar al-Ma'rifah.(in Arabic)
    • Sayyid Mujahid,Muhammad (Dateless). Kitab al-Manahil,First Edition,Qom: Al-Bayt Foundation,peace be upon them.(in Arabic)
    • SayyidYazdi,Mohammad Kazem (Dateless). Completion of Al-Urwa Al-Wathqa, First Edition,Qom: Davari Bookstore.(in Arabic)
    • Seifi Mazandarani,Ali Akbar (Dateless). The reason for writing the means;Al-Waqf,No place:No Publisher.(in Arabic)
    • Shabir Zanjani,Sayyid Musa (1428). Sharia issues,First edition,Qom: Fiqh Publishing Institute.(in Arabic)
    • ShahidThani,Zayn al-Din (1410). Al-Rawdah al-Bahiyya in Sharh al-Lama'a al-Damashqiyya, First edition,Qom: Davari Bookstore.(in Arabic)
    • ShahidThani,Zayn al-Din (1413).The Schools of Understanding to the Reformation of Islamic Laws,First Edition. Qom: Institute of Islamic Knowledge.(in Arabic)
    • ---------------------------------- (1414). Margin of Guidance. First Edition,Qom: Islamic Publications Office affiliated with the Society of Teachers of the Seminary of Qom.(in Arabic)
    • ----------------------------- (1419). Benefits of Rules. First Edition,Qom: Islamic Publications Office affiliated with the Society of Teachers of the Seminary of Qom.(in Arabic)
    • Shirazi,Abu Ishaq (Dateless). The polite in the jurisprudence of Imam al-Shafi'i,No place: Dar al-Kitab al-Almiya.(in Arabic)
    • Sistani,Sayyid Ali (1417). Minhaj Al-Saleheen,Fifth Edition. Qom: The office of Hazrat Ayatollah Sistani.(in Arabic)
    • --------------------- (1422). Selected Matters,Ninth Edition,Qom: Office of Hazrat Ayatollah Sistani.(in Arabic)
    • Sobhani,Ja'far (1414). Al-Mukhtar in the rules of choice,First Edition,Qom: Imam Sadegh (as) Institute.(in Arabic)
    • Tabatabai,Sayyid Ali (1409). the minor commentary in the brief brief;Hadiqa al-Mu'minin,First Edition,Qom: Ayatollah MarashiNajafi Quds Library Publications.(in Arabic)
    • Tabatabai,Sayyid Ali (1418). Riyadh Al-Masa'il, First Edition,Qom: Al-Bayt Foundation,Peace be upon them.(in Arabic)
    • Tabatabai Qomi. Sayyid Taqi (1426). Foundations of Minhaj Al-Saleheen, First Edition,Qom: East Pen Publications.(in Arabic)
    • Tabrizi,Abu Talib (Dateless). the argumentative commentary on Tahrir al-Wasila,No place: No publisher.(in Arabic)
    • Tabrizi,JawadIbn Ali (1426). Minhaj Al-Saleheen,Second Edition,Qom: Imam Al-Mahdi Assembly.(in Arabic)
    • Taheri,Habibollah (1418). Civil Law,Second Edition,Qom: Office of Islamic Publications affiliated with the Society of Teachers of the Seminary of Qom.(inPersian)
    • Testari,Asadullah (Dateless). Mqabs al-Anwar waNafais al-Asrar,First Edition,Qom: Al-Bayt Foundation,peace be upon them.(in Arabic)
    • The first martyr,Muhammad Ibn Makki (1417). Sharia courses in Imami jurisprudence,Second Edition,Qom: Islamic Publications Office affiliated with the Society of Teachers of the Seminary of Qom.(in Arabic)
    • Tusi,Muhammad Ibn Hassan (1407). Tahdhib al-Ahkam,Fourth Edition,Tehran: Dar al-Kitab al-Islamiya.(in Arabic)
    1. ----------------------------------- (1414). Al-Rasa'il al-Ashar, Second Edition,Qom: Islamic Publications Office affiliated with the Society of Teachers of the Seminary of Qom.(in Arabic)
    2. Wahid Khorasani,Hussein (1428). Minhaj Al-Saleheen. Fifth Edition. Qom: Imam Baqir School.(in Arabic)
    3. Yazdani,Gholamreza (1399). The validation of the condition of derogation in a waqf contract,Justraha-ya Fighi va usuli. 18.