The Implication for the Letter “`aw” in Verse 95 of Surah Al-Ma`idah; A New Reading of the Narrations Predicted on the Theory of Sequence

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran

2 M.A., Faculty of Quranic Sciences, University of Holy Quran Sciences and Education, Meybod, Iran


According to Shari'ah law, "hunting" is one of the acts forbidden to muhrim. The verse 95 of Surah Ma'idah states the ruling on the prohibition of hunting in ihram (pilgrim sanctity) and its atonements. The exegetes and the jurists have different views on some of the rulings mentioned in this verse. The reason for this difference of opinion is the different understanding of the interpretations in the verse, the existence of seemingly contradictory narrations, as well as different views in determining the role of words and letters. This study deals only with the subject of "the right to choose or arranging the expiation ruling for killing a game in ihram". While gathering evidences of understanding and examining the opinions of the commentators and jurists of two main Islamic sects, it provides an analysis of the views of pros and cons. Next, it studies the literal role of the letter “`aw” and tries to explain the role of this letter in this surah and the place of this ruling among other atonements. Finally, it explores the narrations based on the theories of "sequence" and "choice" and in order to resolve the conflict, presents a new reading of the narrations predicted on the theory of "sequence". Based on the evidence obtained, the authors have accepted the view that the muhrim is free to choose atonement and have found that the ruling of observing the order of choosing the atonement is in conflict with the existing documents.


Main Subjects

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