Interpreting "the Utmost Knowledgeability" in Ijtihad; Determining its Example and Explaining its Place in Legal Ijtihad

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Research Center for Islamic Studies, Islamic Research Foundation, Astan Quds Razavi, Mashhad, Iran


There is a relative agreement among the scholars of jurisprudence and principles of jurisprudence (osul) that the utmost knowledgeable person is the one who has a better inference. What is disputed is this question: what characteristics should exist in a mujtahid that lead to a better inference. In other words, what characteristics should exist in the most knowledgeable mujtahid? On the other hand, if those attributes are determined, how and on what basis those attributes should be inquired and acquired in a specific instance? From another point of view, how is the concept of utmost knowledgeablility conceived in a "legal entity" with a "council", "group" and "organizational" structure? In this article, which has been done with developmental method - in terms of purpose - ; library  method- in terms of data collection -, and descriptive-analytical method - in terms of subject -, three characteristics for being the utmost knowledgeable person [understanding (including jurisprudential understanding, understanding the principles of jurisprudence (osul), rejali understanding and thematic understanding), memory and skills] - and four indicators [training history, teaching history, research history and executive history] are presented. Next, the utmost knowlegibility in a legal mujtahid has been compared with real mujtahid based on three council, group and organizational structures.


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