The Nature of Dissimulation (Turia) and Reviewing Its Role in Permissibility or Non-Permissibility

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Isfahan University of Quran and 'Etrat Studies, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran


Lying is one of the most serious harms in society and it is always recommended in religious and ethical texts to avoid it in various ways. Dissimulation as a way of avoiding lying has been discussed in various jurisprudential and ethical books. This research tries to determine the scope of using dissimulation according to the observance of jurisprudential and moral principles. For this reason, first, the criterion of truth and falsity of the news has been examined. Next, the ratio of lying to dissimulation is explained in order to determine the reason for the permission and non-permission of the rulings of the jurists in using dissimulation and its limits. The data in this study has been taken from authoritative jurisprudential, logical and ethical books. The results show that the scope of using dissimulation is much greater than the need for lying and it can be an appropriate way to avoid lying.


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