Contemplation on the Lack of Authenticity of a Tradition with a Single Transmitter in Serious Matters

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran


One of the subtopics on the validity of a tradition with a single transmitter considered by the jurists is the domain of the validity of a tradition with a single transmitter, which, of course, is the main reason for the validity of a tradition with a single transmitter. Some experts have not accepted the validity of a tradition with a single transmitter on serious issues such as blood, fame, etc., and believe that relying on traditions with a single transmitter is not enough to discover and establish rulings in this area, and other complementary arguments should be used alongside them. On the other hand, a number of experts have argued that if the basis for the validity of a tradition with a single transmitter is the conduct of the wise, there is no reason to differentiate between significant and insignificant issues; because the criterion here is to gain confidence. And if the basis for the validity of a tradition with a single transmitter is the Naba` verse, it means that if the person who brings the news is a righteous person, then there is no need for its explanation. In addition, if we consider the validity of a tradition with a single transmitter to be restricted to the unimportant matters, many of the penalties and hududs imposed by a tradition with a single transmitter will be dropped out. Examining the arguments of the two theories, this paper will emphasize that the conduct of the wise as well as the appropriate verses of the validity of a tradition with a single transmitter on important matters are the general statements in this regard. 


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