The Rule of Honor

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Faculty of Humanities, Khomein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomein, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Faculty of Theology, Shahid Mahallati Higher Education Complex, Qom, Iran


The matter of "honor", even if it is only considered as an important and influential discussion in ethics, needs to be included in the process of issuing a religious and legal ruling in order to be practical. Jurisprudence, as the regulator of the actions of legally competent persons, with its rich resources in this field, [but] has not dealt with this issue independently, thoroughly and coherently. The existing rules and regulations of jurisprudence are usually negative and their contents mean minimal dignity and maintaining the status quo. There is no jurisprudential rule that invites and obliges all individual and social strata of the religious community to strive and take measures to promote dignity in all aspects. Due to this gap, the present fundamental research, with the aim of designing and applying the "rule of dignity" and by the method of inferring and analyzing the content of evidence, has dealt with four matters of the provisions of the rule, documents, applications and exceptions of this rule. According to this rule, any action that the dignity of the Muslim person and the Islamic society is subject to is obligatory, and in return, any action that leads to their humiliation is forbidden. This rule, with a wide range of topics, plays a decisive role in the protection of spiritual dignity and also, at the macro level, preserves and promotes the dignity and independence of Muslims and the Islamic community. 


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