Historical and Legal Punishments in the Light of the Theory of the Spirit of Shari'a

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 M.A., Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Each rule of law must have fundamental principles that can be used to “found an structure", "explain and clarify obscure words and inputs", "resolve disputes and obstacles to progress in the implementation of the proposition", and "recreate data and propositions according to social developments". Meanwhile, different schools have chosen several approaches to each of these components. However, it seems that in jurisprudential view the "model of the spirit of the Shari'a" can take into account all the above-mentioned cases. The present article considers the theoretical explanation and organization of the "spirit of the Shari'a" as a method in the criminal jurisprudence of its problem. The monitoring of the "spirit of the Shari'a", takes away the criminal jurisprudence from “deconstructionism”, the "unity of procedure in resolving of conflicts” and “stagnation of the form of punishment”. According to this significance and purpose, after discussing the preliminaries of the authority of the soul, the text monitors the degree of possibility of relying on the "soul", its requirements, as well as distinguishing the basis of historical and religious punishments. According to the library studies, it seems that “the spirit of the Shari'a” have unique outcomes based on the inherent and accidental interpretation of the outcomes of the criminal jurisprudence texts in the aspects of "legislation", "interpretation" and "contradiction" against devotional views on criminal jurisprudence.


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