Exploring the Ruling of Martyrdom Operation with Emphasis on the Evidence of Its Quranic Verses

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran

2 Student of Seminary for Women, Babol, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Quranic Sciences, University of Quranic Sciences and Studies, Amol, Iran


Holy war (jihad) in the cause of Allah is one of the pillars of Islam. Islam is a school in which all the people have been called as the servants of Allah and honorable to each other. In order to remove all kinds of dominance and sovereignty of the tyrants, He has opened the door of jihad. In order to realize the defense that Muslims are required to undertake in any situation, it is necessary to take into account the means and methods of defense appropriate to each time. Defending against the aggressor in the absence of suitable military facilities takes on a particular form, and it is a martyrdom operation in which one kills the others while he is sure about his death. Because of the apparent similarity between martyrdom operation with suicide attack, some people disagree with it, and call it self-slaughter. Therefore, investigating jurisprudential and religious texts, and studying the jurisprudential evidence and principles of the proponents and opponents of martyrdom operation, this research seeks a clear jurisprudential ruling of the martyrdom operation. Using an analytical method and studying and surveying jurisprudential books and other different researches, this research has concluded that the martyrdom actions have legitimacy. Therefore, martyrdom in the cause of Allah does not mean suicide, and due to the reasons given and because of the difference in intention and purpose, it is beyond the scope of the issue.


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