A Review of Retaliation without Ruler's Permission from Muhaqiq Ardebili’s Viewpoint and Islamic Penal Code Approved in 2013

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of jurisprudence and principles of Islamic law, Islamic Azad University, Torbat Heidarieh Branch, Torbat Heidarieh, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of jurisprudence and principles of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University, Torbat Heidarieh Branch, Torbat Heidarieh, Iran

3 Professor, Department of jurisprudence and principles of Islamic law, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


There is consensus among scholars according to the stipulated text of the Divine Legislator regarding the retaliation right for the avenger of blood. However, there are controversies among the scholars as to whether it is necessary for the avenger of blood to seek the religious ruler's permission for the execution of retribution (qisas). The jurists have proposed some opinions in this respect. The majority of jurists such as Shaik Tusi maintain that the ruler's permission is obligatory in both issuance of the verdict and its execution. Other jurists such as Muhaqqiq Hilli maintain that the ruler's permission is obligatory only in the phase of issuance of the verdict. A few number of jurists such as Muhaqqiq Ardibili have mentioned that it is not obligatory for the avenger of blood to seek the ruler's permission in any phase. This research has used an analytical library research method. Having discussed the jurists' opinions and their arguments, the research aims at answering the question as to which opinions are acceptable based on rational and transmitted evidences and from which of the mentioned opinions the Islamic Penal Code is adopted. The research findings show that the famous opinion is valid and justifiable regarding the reasonable transmitted and rational indications and that the Islamic Penal Code 2014 is adopted from this opinion. In addition, it can be understood that Muhaqqiq Ardibili's opinion lacks validity. 


- Holly Quran
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