An Investigation of Rational Proof in the Foundations of Inference in the book Majma''''ol Fayidah Wal Burhan by Muhaqqiq Ardibili

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz Branch, Ramhormoz, Iran


< p >Ahmad ibn Muhammad is one of the jurists with the style of the tenth centuries AH. He is known as a scholar because of his in-depth research, asceticism, and piety; his method of jurisprudence has such outstanding features that it has a special style and school in the periods of jurisprudence. One of his works Majma''ul Faidah Wal Burhan - an explanation to Irshadul Azhan by Allamah Hilli - has been known as an initiative in Imamiyyah jurisprudence. In this important work, he has cited to the Book and Sunnah like his predecessors and referred abundantly to intellect in different meanings, jurisprudential rules, practical principles, absolute intellect, etc.. As it sometimes relies on it to challenge popular theories and proposes some theories about factual incidents based on jurisprudential principles. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this research has analyzed the role and application of rational proof in this book and has come to the conclusion that he has taken a special look at rational proof and relying on it he has challenged some jurisprudential theories that have no support other than fame and has given unique fatwas. 


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