Influential Applications of Etlaq Maqamie in Principled (Osuli) Propositions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Ph.D Student, Faculty of Humanities, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


Regardless of the various theories about the relationship between etlaq and taqyid, the expression of the master’s purpose and intention of etlaq and shomuliyyat is done in two ways; sometimes it is done by "motammam ja´l", such as the issue of sharing the rules between the knowledgeable and the ignorant, which is understood through successive narrations, sometimes the result of etlaq is obtained by not expressing motammam ja´l. Now, the main question is if the master is in a position to express his intention thoroughly, not expressing any other subject matters except the subject itself, whether it is possible to conclude through etlaq maqamie that his speech is etlaq and that there is no restriction on his intention. An analysis of the sources of the principles of jurisprudence proves the fact that despite the opinion of many scholars of the principles of jurisprudence, it is not correct to adhere to etlaq lafzie in some propositions such as proving the exclusive condition in terms of the concept of condition; even it is possible to prove through etlaq maqamie the practice of evidences although they do not correspond to reality, and the authority of the common law to restrict the subject matter (such as "ghena`" and "sa´id") in the major premises. As a result, adhering to etlaq maqamie is so effective that it can completely change the rule obtained from the basic propositions and this is the main finding of the research. 


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