The Place of Time and Place in Traditional Dynamic Jurisprudence System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Department of Law, College of Humanities, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran

2 Associate Professor, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


Islam is a universal and eternal religion due to the perfection of the divine rules which are in fact one of its miracles. In the face of constant needs, changing needs will emerge, and these changes must be protected in order to preserve and maintain its purity and appropriate growth. For the same reason, the dynamics is not a divider of traditional jurisprudence, but traditional jurisprudence is dynamic in itself. Ijtihad, which is rightly called the dynamics of Islamic law, means a deliberate and methodical attempt to extract the verdict of God according to the four sources of the Book, Islamic tradition, wisdom and consensus. Providing some criteria and examples, this article attempts to explain who the time and place influence the religious judgments. 


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