The Fundamentals of Feminism in Abortion; Critical Examination from the Perspective of the Philosophy of Jurisprudence

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Faculty of Theology, University of Meybod, Meybod, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Theology, University of Farhangian (Shahid Beheshti Pardis), Mashhad, Iran

3 Ph.D in Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic law, Iran


One of the demands of feminists is to permit and legitimize abortion. Because it is a matter of the right to life of another person, it is perhaps the most challenging demand. Therefore, attempts have been made to provide various reasons in this regard. Referring to the right to choose, the right to freedom, as well as adhering to the right to flourish women's talents and also seeking help from the right over one's own body, the feminists seek to prove their claim. This paper, taking a view of the philosophy of jurisprudence as a science that is responsible for extrajurisprudential explanation of the jurisprudential affairs, investigates these fundamental issues. It considers the proof of these reasons weak and neutral, deems such attempts unsuccessful, and explains the disagreement between such principles and reasons and Islamic principles of the philosophy of jurisprudence.   


  1. -The Holy Quran

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