Critical Analysis of the evidence of validity of "Mazaviyyat (to Be in the Past Tense)" in the composition of transactions formula

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Faculty of Humanities, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran

2 Ph.D Student, Department of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Faculty of Humanities, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran


Imamiyyah jurists have considered the conditions necessary for the correctness of the transactions, including the composition of the offer formula and its acceptance in the past tense. In the meantime, different views have been proposed; the famous jurists hold that acceptance of the offer formula in the past tense is a condition of the validity and the occurrence of the transaction. They believe that the composition of the offer and its acceptance in a tense other than the past tense is not correct. In contrast, some other jurists do not consider the conceptual quiddity created by the offer and its acceptance in a tense other than the past tense as a basis of the contract. This research, which has been done through a descriptive-analytical method, examines and criticizes the opinions and arguments of the problem (such as verses, traditions, and principles). Finally, it has been proven that the condition of the composition of the offer of the transaction in the past tense is not valid and that the reasons of those who do not consider this condition as valid is strong and solid.


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