Review of Ayatollah Khoei's View on the Authority of the Narration with a Single Transmitter in the Commentary of the Qur'an

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Teachings, Farhangian University of Qazvin, Qazvin, Iran


One of the topics discussed in the field of interpretation is the use of tradition with a single transmitter in the commentary. Although Islamic scholars agree on the authority of the Sunnah and its lofty position, they have different views on the scope of its application for interpretation. Obviously, narrations with various chains of transmitter are agreed upon by the scholars, but the matter is the narrations with a single transmitter. It is important to examine the status and the authority of the narrations with a single transmitter in the commentary in that it can be determined whether one can refer to the meaning understood from the verse based on a transmitter with a single transmitter. There are different opinions among the scholars. Some scholars have considered the lack of authority of a narration with a single transmitter about non-legal rules and have restricted the narrations with a single transmitter to legal issues. In contrast, some scholars do not accept this view and voted to the authority of the narrations with a single transmitter about non-legal rules like interpretation and so on. One of the adherents of the authority of the narration with a single transmitter in the area of commentary is the great scholar Ayatullah Khoei, whose arguments and words are expressed. This article uses a descriptive-analytical method and after analyzing the view of Ayatullah Khoei it discusses the view of the research.


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