Measuring the Proportion of Barriers to Civil Liability to Reasons of Delictual Liability Relying on Imam Khomeini’s View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Payame Noor University, Iran

2 Invited Instructor, Department of Law, Mofid University, Iran


The barriers to civil liability are divided into two categories. The factors in which the requirement of responsibility and the civil liability elements (detriment, tortuous act, and causality) are not complete and has been harmed by one of the pillars of it. There are other factors that despite the existence of all the civil liability elements, civil liability is removed from them due to lawful and legal reasons. When measuring the proportion of the first group of factors to the reasons of liability we obtain specialized departure, and when measuring the proportion of the second group of factors to the reasons of liability we obtain allocated departure. This differentiation has some effects. The relation between the two categories and the evidence of liability “´Alal yadi ma akhaztu hatta tu`diyahu” and the rule “man atlafa malal ghayr fahuwa lahu zamin” and the rule “la zarar wa la zirar” is the relation between allocation and specialization. Although there was no specific confirmation of some of the factors of prohibition of civil liability, it can be concluded from the words of the jurists and Imam Khomeini (R.A.).


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