Methodology of "Group Ijtihad in the Legislative Process"; A New Interpretation of "Religious Sociability"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Teachings, University of Meybod, Yazd, Iran

2 Ph.D, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Teachings, University of Meybod, Yazd, Iran


The main pathology in the field of methodology of jurisprudential and legislative ijtihad is that the keywords of methodology, group ijtihad, religious sociability, legislative requirements, and the face of social thinking that are presented in this writing suffer from the following harms: they are either left unsaid or do not cover all dimensions and need to be completed, or their semantic relations are not systematic or the rule of adherence to the object is adherence to its accessories and  have no quorum in explaining the keywords. This writing, by dividing methodology into basic methodology and applied methodology, emphasizes that with a new approach to religious sociability and a new explanation of the anthropological and sociological foundations of ijtihad and legislation, social thinking is freed from the monopoly of matter and precise results and is also decorated on the face. One of the fruits of social thinking face is that the requirements of legislation are adorned with new requirements, and group ijtihad achieves new dynamism and richness with real actualization. With this systematic revival, the legislative process becomes a process in accordance with the requirements, and the resulting law becomes destitute from structural and substantive discrepancies. Maintaining and strengthening the position of the Legislature Power and the Guardian Council as part of the legislature depends on the above approach to ijtihad.


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