Analyzing the Non-Verbal Evidences of the Validity of the Word of Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Jurisprudence & Law, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran


It can be seen two sources in the principled (Osuli) books of the Two Islamic Sects on evidences of ruling: the holy Quran and Sunnah, and subsequently, consensus and reason as common sources – with a difference of interpretation in the two later sources. However, the Sunni principled (Osuli) books contain other exclusive resources in addition to Four Main Islamic resources, that their evidentiary is controversial among the Sunni scholars of the principles of jurisprudence including the word of Companions. Some of the Sunni scholars of the principles of jurisprudence believe in the validity of these words and some other believe in their non-validity and to prove their arguments both groups have relied upon an evidence either verbally or non-verbally. Those Sunni scholars of the principles of jurisprudence who believe in the validity of the words of Companions have divided non-verbal evidences into two forms of consensus and reason stating the validity of consensus in two forms and rational reason in three forms. It is controversial that whether these evidences are correct and efficient to prove the validity of the words of Companions. Following the induction of the Sunni principled (Osuli) books and reviewing the words of their scholars of the principles of jurisprudence, the research concludes that the group’s arguments are not sufficient to substantiate such a principle and there are serious critique and reasonable answers against them.


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