The Effects of Wrong Jurisprudential and Legal Rulings and Mistakes in Electronic Contracts

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Full Professor, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Sciences, Department of law, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Considering the fact that information technology has made significant changes in contracts as well as the entry of Iran into the world of electronic contracts and the lack of specification of e-commerce law on many issues of electronic contracts, there is the possibility of error and mistake. Therefore, this research aimed at examining the effects of wrong rulings and mistakes in electronic contracts in Islamic jurisprudence, the rulings and the effects of such contracts, comparing it with Imamiyya jurisprudence and Iranian law, as well as examining the gaps and shortcomings of electronic contracts. According to the information and foundations of the research, it has been concluded that there are many gaps in different areas pertaining to the effects of wrong rulings and mistakes in electronic contracts. This paper proposes some solutions to remove these barriers and gaps. In this regard, it is suggested that the legislator can take actions to approve substantial law and specific civil procedure for commerce and electronic contracts in accordance with international rules and dynamic jurisprudence, including the relevant rules of jurisdiction, conflict resolution rules, and national arbitration.


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