The Application of Jurisprudential Principles and Rules for the prevention of Anxiety - OCD

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. Student of Jurisprudence and Principles of Law, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran

2 Associate Professor at Jurisprudence and Principles of Law, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran

3 M.A. Student of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Mofid, Qom, Iran


Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) has been studied seriously as a psychological and medical disease, but the scope of this disease that is usually manifested in religious affairs raised a question in the author's mind as to how the application of jurisprudential principles and rules can prevent from OCD?  Therefore, a descriptive-analytical method of research has been used. The article has been structured in two parts: the first part deals with a series of definitions, characteristics, symptoms, etiology, etc.; and the next part discusses the different jurisprudential principles and rules such as the principle of isalat al-sihha (authenticity of act), principle of  istishab (presumption of continuity); since they can inform religiously accountable persons both through the application of the opposite concept due to the application of jurisprudential principles, remove perplexity in the beginning of the person's religious accountability, and remove thoughts of undue fear and shame for the divine punishment and mercy to prevent from OCD. For this reason,  both claims and arguments in jurisprudential principles have been used to the extent that they are not mingled with the beliefs and non-scientific matters. Finally, the article concludes that OCD can be prevented effectively both at the primary and secondary levels (after the development of disorder) through the application of jurisprudential principles and rules.        


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    48.,Last reviewed 3/11/2015




