The Ritual Running in the (Crosswise) Expanded Area of the Place of Running from the viewpointof the Islamic Denominations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 professor of Qom seminary, Graduated From Qom seminary, Researcher of Al-mustafa International Research Institue.

2 lecturer at the Hawzah and university centers, postgraduate student of the comparative study of Islamic denominations, the University of Religions and Denominations. s.


Sa'i (the Ritual running) in the expanded area of the Place of running and its ruling is a new question for the Islamic jurisprudence. With regard to the crosswise doubling of the Running place near the Sacred Mosque in recent years, the jurisprudential ruling of the Ritual running – as one of the pillars of the greater and lesser Pilgrimages – is unclear from the viewpoint of the Islamic denominations. This due to the fact that there hasn’t been any comprehensive and solid study in this regard yet! Consequently, permissibility of the Ritual running in the crosswise expanded area is a topic that is in need of exploration and should be responded with a suitable answer. After a thorough scrutiny of the jurisprudential sources of the Islamic denominations, it was found out that a few thinkers of the jurisprudence domain do not allow for the Ritual running in some newly expanded areas of the Running place and believe that those areas are out of the space between Safa and Marwah hills. However, based on the attestation of the witnesses as well as the historical, geographical, and geological examinations of the committee supervising the Running place expansion project, it is possible to consider the expanded area as a part of the space between Safa and Marwa hills, and therefore, rule for the permissibility of conducting the Ritual running in it. The study at hand set out to disclose the limits and gaps of the already present arguments and to jurisprudentially specify the ruling on permissibility of conducting the Ritual running in the crosswise expanded area of the Running place. To this end, the author used library research as well as fieldwork methods to collect data. The obtained data was then analyzed to extract the jurisprudential stances of the Islamic denominations in this regard. At the end, the conclusion was made that conducting the Ritual running in the expanded area of the Running place is permissible.


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