Juridical _ legal analysis about the validity of attorney dismissal

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, theology college, shiraz university

2 Masters of degree in jurisprudence and the bases of law, shiraz university


This study analyses the condition of attorney dismissal which civil law has accepted  because its previous studies presented that the truth and requirement of attorney contract in terms of customary and literally agreement, is representation. Removal of lawyers with guaranteed implication or even by claim of adjustment implication lies in the meaning of  representation and the two parts are not separated.
Therefore, the condition is opposite of the Book and Sunnah. Moreover,the condition of attorney dismissal can be analyzed in terms of the Book and Sunnah through presenting of attorney specific arguments about the client  reference which includes conditional and un-conditional situations, and in case of doubt, there is the principle of command on client dismissal right from attorney. Also the license for reversion of attorney rules is considered special in which the parties can not agreed against it with the conditional statement. Thus, the condition of dismissal is against to the Book and Sunnah. The method of the study is Descriptive- Analysis.


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