An Introduction into the Concept and Principles of practice of constitutional law

Document Type : Research Paper


Associated professor, public law department, University of Tehran


Practice of constitutional law considered one of the most important fields for completion and removal of extant gaps in written constitutions, and despite some initial oppositions, today, there’s no doubt regarding the role and position of its effective index. Important dimensions of practices of constitutional law subordinate to the general theory of the governor on the function of the legal norm, and among evidences supporting this, we can refer to the jointly played role of material and spiritual elements in itsdevelopment and effectiveness. The degree of effectiveness of constitutional law and its approximate effect on the available legal texts, has laid the ground for the presentation of a well-known division of this concept by which the three functions of practice, namely interpretive, complementary, and modulatory practice have become distinct from each other. In the meantime, according to some similarities among development process and effectiveness of judicial procedures and practice of constitutional law, these similarities can be considered as the theoretical bases of the jurisdiction development of constitution courts and a key factor for paving the way for the more effective fulfilment of the role of these courts.


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