Murder caused by infection: study of jurisprudence and legal

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, The University of Qom

2 - Phd student of The University of Qom


 Infect caused by crimes is one of subject that has been discussed in murder. In here, the main question is that whether Infection caused by an intentional crime, if the victim is dies, what will be the verdict? It is obvious that If convicted has intention of murder or crime
that often spread to death, murder is attained. But the problem is where there is no intent to murder and felony often cannot be passed to life. this problem has been mentioned in criminal law and jurisprudence. In these discussion jurists are divided into two categories: The famous and the non- famous. The famous as evidence-based consensus, taking advantage of the principle of liability for effect of crimes without right, taking advantage of the other legal rules, have ordered the murder. While the non- famous, referring to version and public rules about murder, deny murder and pressed on semi-intentional murder. Review of reasons of them reveals that the non-famous judgment (taken semi- murder) is more compatible whit General rules of murder. Review of law makes clear that, legal measures is compatible whit The non-famous judgment, because different law systems (France, England and Iran) only by where delete obvious intention that the actions of perpetuer was been murderer in the most of cases and in some law system certainly murderer


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