Religious Jurisprudence Study of the Effect Possibility Clause in Obligation of the Calling People to the Goodness and Preventing People from evil-doing from the viewpoint of Time and Affecting Limitation

Document Type : Research Paper



The obligation of the calling people to the goodness and preventing people from the evil is bound to some clauses that one of them is the possibility of the effect. The writers of this article seek to answer this question whether calling people to the goodness and preventing people from the evil shall be obligatory or not, if the orderer to the goodness and preventer from the evil knows that his/her order and prevention is not effective, now or does not influence the addressee who prevents from performing goodness and/or does the evil.
The most jurists believe that in such case, the calling people to the goodness and preventing people from the evil shall not be obligatory. But, we criticize the evidences of the jurists and prove the clause of the effect possibility, enjoying the tetra-evidences, from the time viewpoint whether present or future, and also considering the affecting limitation including the addressee and others. In other words, we shall substantiate that the effect possibility clause shall be applicable and universal, regarding the aforesaid both dimensions.
