Looking at it from the perspective of law and jurisprudence dowry and bisection

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member at the University of Qom

2 MA.Jurisprudence and Law


The dowry Is a gift that God has given to women and It has been discussed in various verses, But it has not been for a certain amount, But whatever value is cited It is a woman's right, and Upon her marriage, is dowry Owner, but Ownership is on shaky dowry half and by Becoming a partner or a deceased partner or spouse is in innate apostasy, But if you are not sure of the establishment dowry She is entitled to half of Nuts, I.e. if the couple would divorce before sex Or be a renegade man before sex She is entitled to half dowry and if one of the spouses died before they sex according to popular theory dowry is entitled to half Although the unpopular theory of female celebrities deserve all the dowry they do.
