The Analysis of The Individuals, Epithets and Effective Criterions in Mahrolmesl

Document Type : Research Paper



Delineating of mahrolmesl that is stated as "mahr nisaaha" in narratives, is one
of the assessed and exquisite affairs that many evidences cause its difference and
value diversity in seemingly similar instances. In juridical texts on the basis of
narratives, some localities have been assigned for paying mahrolmesl. Although
custom and thrift of man, are determinant but in this arena, they find a vital role
and always are considered under other titles and epithets. The Persia civil code in
provision 1091 using heavy, similar, repetitive and sometimes imprecise
phrases, expresses the method of delineating mahrolmesl. This article by exquisite
survey in juridical texts and utilizing narratives, provides the possibility of
effective criterion analysis in delineating of mahrolmesl. The general criterion is
this: whatever from epithets, criteria and individuals that impresses on increasing
and decreasing of mahrolmesl, should be considered. To avoid from this
generalization, this article introduces epithets and the legal and the custom
concepts of them, with a detailed and amplified method. As the result, this
research suggests the modification of provision 1091, for the discipline of
mahrolmesl evaluating.
