A Critical Analysis of Sunnites Argument over Non-necessity of Khums(one fifth)

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the practices, particularly important in Shi'ism is to pay khums.Some
Sunnites believe there is merely one verse in Quran concerning khums; thus it
isnot so important. This single verse includes the spoils of war, not business profit
and trade as Shiites believe in it. But Shiites criticize Sunnites argument as
follows: 1- firstly, there is more than one Quranic verse regarding it, secondly
among the verses on the leading ritual of Hadj, we do rely on a single verse to
prove it; Henceforth, Can't we apply this rule to Khums? 3- The Sunnites
themselves refer to some narrations on paying Khums. The consensus of Muslims
to pay khums is one of the reasons given by Shiites in response to Sunnites,
especially Wahhabism. This research on one hand suggests the arguments raised
by Shiites and on the other surveys the arguments of Sunnites.
The result of this research firmly asserts the weakness of Sunnites arguments
and the strength of Shiites' arguments as a religious duty.
