Contemplative on Rule of the Wrappers (Faraq) and Passing (Tajavoz)

Document Type : Research Paper



The rule of law is widely used in almost all chapters applicable law so it is
appropriate to discuss the key issues to be discussed. Wrappers and violated the
provisions of the rule is that if the current legal actions did And then we have a
right to do Based on this we've done it the correct Verb If you are part of a verb
and its components would be the place to do it than in the past .because this rule
only with verifiable accounts of the circuit are discussed as well as around the
word In these stories, the main three words "Javz " Mzy "and " Wrappers "There
is a review and investigation I found that the first two words are synonymous And
the third term effects and results of the first two words have meaning. What these
narratives belong in a legal action is expressed in absolute uncertainty that is why
it is sometimes true and sometimes skeptical doubts the existence, Thus, the
principle of the unity of the evidence and the proof is.This rule is also applicable to
most criteria Symptoms of Practical criteria.
