The Ways of Recognizing "Kor Water"

Document Type : Research Paper




In order to recognize Kor water there are two methods: The first way is recognizing it through its weight and the second one is via its area (volume). As for the first way, there is no disagreement among scholars in the idea that the weight of Kor water should be 1200 ratl, but in the concept that whether it should be Iraqi ratl, which is equal to 130 drachms, or it should be civil ratl, which is equal to 195 drachms, there is difference. Most of scholars have said the intention here is the Iraqi ratl. Sheikh-e-Sadough and his son, Seyed Maritza, have said the civil ratl is intended. However, the right judgment is the one, which believes Iraqi ratl is intended not the civil one. In the area of recognizing Kor water via its area (volume), there are seven viewpoints among scholars, the most famous of which is the one, which says it should be three and half spans in length, width and height, and this is the right one.
