Different Assumptions of Fulfilling the Oath of Allegiance to a Third-Party



Eyfa’e Dein (oath of allegiance) is a general and human issue. It is mentioned in Nahj al-Balagha. In a famous letter, Imam Ali to Malik al-Ashtar warns: “in yours covenant with people, do not try to act according to your interests and break it selfishly”. Then Hazrat refers to the general and humane aspects of covenant and its importance in survival of humanity and the role of oath of allegiance in human relations.
According to civil laws, oath must be attributed to the following people:
1. Promisee 2. Assignee 3. Who is legally entitled to bill 4.Ruler or his deputy 5. Person who is permitted by promisee.
If a person committed to fulfill his promise to someone else, according to Article 272 of civil law, this commutation after gaining Lender’s satisfaction of the payment is correct. This article discusses how Lender’s satisfaction is attracted and how is its effect? Is the effect gained by the time of submission or after lender’s satisfaction? Also to understand if there is uncertainty and losses and to whom they belong. As a lender, ...
