The solution of the Wife's Denial of Conjugal Right from the Islamic jurisprudence point of view



The well-known saying of Allah in Koran “Men are responsible for the life costs (Nesa, 2)” describes an explicit and ideal culture in the family life system which has created a new plan for the mutual family conversation and provides a strong warranty for livelihood and supports wife’s life.
What has been said in this research is that, the Ghavvam, meaning breadwinner is the supporter and the one who bears the costs of the life. Considering this word, shows that one’s wife is not a slave of her husband, but she is the consort and confidant, the companion, the secretary and the lover and soother to him. Furthermore, the researcher has kept this in mind that the word “Hit”, in Va'azrabohonna, literally meaning hit those women, is one of the confusing words and has different meanings, so it cannot be attributed to the meaning of hitting. In this research, it has been observed that husband and wife must be truly affable, intimate, honest and supportive to each other and the foundation of the family life is strengthened by these issues; assuming the afterlife....
